March 10, 2025

Don't Cali-Fornicate Texas

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Molon labe

Molon labe (Ancient Greek: μολὼν λαβέ, romanized: molṑn labé), meaning ‘come and take [them]’, is a classical expression of defiance. It is among the Laconic phrases reported by Plutarch, attributed to King Leonidas I in reply to the demand by Xerxes I that the Spartans surrender their weapons. The exchange between Leonidas and Xerxes occurs in writing, on the eve of the Battle of Thermopylae (480 BC)

Allusion to the phrase in translation (“come and take it!”) is recorded in the context of the Revolutionary War, noted in 1778 at Fort Morris in the Province of Georgia, and later in 1835 at the Battle of Gonzales during the Texas Revolution where it became a prevalent slogan.

Use of the original Greek in the United States is more recent. Its use by militia organizations is reported for the 1990s or early 2000s, and use by the Special Operations Command Central (SOCCENT) is recorded for 2006.

With the Liberals/Socialists/Communist wanting to both defund the Police and open the borders, while simultaneously killing the Second Amendment and confiscating the Guns of Private Citizens, it is a renewed Battle Cry.

There is a Molon Labe collection at the Old Hippie’s Gift Shop. The below are just a few of the items available, and there are options to change background colors and put the image on anything Zazzle makes.